Interview with Naibe Reynoso and Jennifer Vassel

Last week, we sat down with Naibe Reynoso of Con Todo Press, a Latina founded publishing company whose mission is to amplify voices of the Latinx community and other underrepresented communities. Jennifer chats with Naibe about “I Am Unique!”, tips for writers to become more comfortable putting their work out there, and upcoming projects coming down the pipeline. Tune in!

Speaker: Jennifer Vassel  00:36

Hi Naibe


Speaker: Naibe Reynoso 01:00

Hi. How are you?


Speaker: Jennifer Vassel  01:02

Good. How are you?


Speaker: Naibe Reynoso  01:03

I'm good. That's happened to me before. I don't know why that happens. Has that ever happened to you or you try to bring someone in and it says they have to upgrade their app?


Speaker: Jennifer Vassel  01:14

I have not had that happen. That's pretty weird. But glad we're here together now.


Speaker: Naibe Reynoso  01:20

Glad we're here. So thank you so much for joining and for agreeing to do this. So, first of all, Jennifer, tell us about I Am Unique Brands and what kind of books you publish?


Speaker: Jennifer Vassel  01:33

Yeah, so I Am Unique is a children's book and self-love brand, aimed to inspire kids and adults to overcome their insecurities and share their gifts with the world. And I wrote the book and the stories as a result of me being insecure about having my own birthmark. Something that I was really insecure about for about 10 years, I would say. And it's a birthmark that covers a quarter of my back and I was really insecure about it growing up. I wouldn't wear certain tops or dresses that exposed it but from my high school prom, I had the makeup artist even conceal my mark with foundation because I wanted to look absolutely beautiful that night. And so fast forward to today, I realized that no one should feel so insecure that they cover a piece of who they are. And the mission with I Am Unique is to whatever your insecurity is, it could be a birthmark like mine, a childhood scar, maybe something we can physically see. But the message is to overcome it and share your gifts with the world.


Speaker: Naibe Reynoso  02:32

Right, definitely. And I could totally relate to that because my daughter has a birthmark on her arm that she got when she was little because hot tea or hot coffee landed on her when she was learning how to walk. And it’s kind of always been a topic that I've addressed with her about her birthmark or actually not her birthmark, her burn scar because it is something that kids asked her about or have asked her about right and it can create all of these insecurities. So, I'm really glad that you created this book because I think our different marks whether it's a birthmark or a scar, make us unique and that's exactly what your whole brand is all about. I also like that you created a parent's guide and a Teacher's Guide to accompany your book. So tell us about what's in the parent’s guide and how parents can use it?


Speaker: Jennifer Vassel  03:31

Yeah, so the parent guide is like a supplemental book or guide to accompany the main story. And it has discussion questions and activities that parents can do with their kids before, during and after reading. Now, I Am Unique, the main themes are about goal setting and perseverance. And so, there are activities that kids could do with their parents to really drive the message and the themes of the book home.


Speaker: Naibe Reynoso  03:57

Right! And then you also did a Teacher's Guide, so teachers can also use it. Can you talk about the Teacher's Guide?


Speaker: Jennifer Vassel  04:03

Absolutely! So, the Teacher's Guide is similar to the parent guide in that it has discussion questions but it's more geared towards educators so that they can successfully integrate the book into their curriculum and so it's aligned to Common Core. It has discussion questions as well and also activities. So, it'll really help with the themes, carrying the themes throughout the book and also having an additional reinforcement of I Am Unique celebrating differences, how to accomplish your goals, how to set a goal and accomplish it. So, teachers and educators alike are able to have something that will supplement the materials and such a really important theme especially during these times and beyond.


Speaker: Naibe Reynoso  04:48

Right! So, I also heard that you're going to expand the book to a different audience. You're translating it into Spanish. So, talk to us about why that decision?


Speaker: Jennifer Vassel  04:57

Yeah, it was really important for me to expand in that way because self-love is a universal message, right? It's not unique to one particular individual. And I Am Unique in building a global brand, we want to reach as many people as possible. And the book is already translated in French through requests. And similarly, with Spanish, we've gotten so many requests from our customers asking “hey, is this available in Spanish?” And so, shout out to Mari who we've partnered with to get the book translated. If anyone is interested and being the first to know when the book launches, they can text IAUSPANISH to 33777 and they will be added to our mailing list. So, they will be the first to know when it launches.


Speaker: Naibe Reynoso  05:49

Perfect! I like that you kind of ran with this whole brand and you're creating workshops, you're coaching. You also have like this workshop about building self-confidence while pursuing your writing career. Before you answer that question, I'm curious, what was your like nine to five or your job before creating all of this?


Speaker: Jennifer Vassel  06:08

So, I am still a human resource professional. I'm still in the nine to five world, so I do juggle both of the worlds my entrepreneurial endeavors and then being an HR professional. So yeah, I'm still doing that to this day. The goal is to build this brand and to build multiple streams of revenue and to reach as many people as possible with this message,


Speaker: Naibe Reynoso  06:31

Right! And you've had so much success, both you and I were at ALT Summit last year, speaking about publishing or different aspects of publishing. And for those of you that may not be familiar with ALT Summit, it's one of the most important female led conferences in the country. So that's really cool that we were both there. Hopefully, we'll be back and let you know, when COVID is completely gone and it'll go back to in person. So, I'd really love to see you there again and meet you in person. So now talk to us about how to build self-confidence while pursuing your writing career. Maybe give us some tips.


Speaker: Jennifer Vassel  07:10

Yeah, so three tips that I have is really to start sharing your story. The number one question that I get is definitely a frequently asked question is Jennifer, what inspired you to write this story? People are motivated by your why and so don't be afraid when you're pursuing your writing career to share your why. People fall in love with the why more than the what. So, share your story, share the why, share what inspired you because by you sharing your story and sharing the inspiration behind your brand in your book, it helps give others permission to do the same and to be brave enough to put themselves out there. The second tip that I would have is to write your big scary goals down. Write them down and put them in a place that's visible. For example, it could be something on your phone that you have as a daily reminder, you can post it in the bathroom. Someplace that you frequent so it's constantly in the forefront of your mind. And I'm such a huge proponent of writing vision statements. So, writing statements that I'm speaking my life into existence. Like I write statements that as if the thing has already happened. So, for example, at the top of the year, I wrote out exactly how I see my 2021 going and then at the end of the year, I will read it and see what has transpired. So, I think that's really important to do while you're pursuing your goals.

And then the last thing is to don't give up right. This is, it's hard. This is definitely not a walk in the park. This is something that you have to build courage and to put yourself out there and it doesn't happen overnight. You have to keep building that momentum and that confidence. And as you are in pursuit of your goals, the more you feel confident about your work and it really boils down to your mindset. If you don't have the right mindset going into publishing and writing and putting yourself out there. If you don't go into the right mindset you've already lost.

I talked about that at a workshop last week where I was talking to current and aspiring authors who are on the fence about self-promotion, putting their work out there, putting themselves out there. And so anybody who makes the investment today, they can save $20 on the two hour workshop. So, if anyone is interested in learning about marketing strategies, mindset, how to put themselves out there and be comfortable with it, you can go ahead and go to Again its and you'll save $20 on the workshop replay as well as be interactive PDF workbook.


Speaker: Naibe Reynoso  09:58

And could they also find that link on your Instagram?


Speaker: Jennifer Vassel  10:02

Yes, if you go straight to my bio, click the link in my bio from Jennifer De Vassel, it'll be the first option there. So, feel free to peruse that. It definitely has gotten positive reviews and it helps people to build that strategy and build that confidence and putting their work out there while they're on the writing journey.


Speaker: Naibe Reynoso  10:22

Right. And one thing when I was reading your website that I loved was one of the things that kind of inspired you to jumpstart this passion and this vision was something that a pastor I believe, right? Can you repeat that because I think that was incredible. That was amazing.


Speaker: Jennifer Vassel  10:43

Yeah, so that quote was really the jumpstart to my writing and publishing career. So New Year's Eve 2012, I didn't go out that year. I just stayed at home and streamed my church service and Bishop Dale Bronner said, “don't die with your gifts still on the inside of you. Impart to others what was interested to you.”

Honestly, that lit a fire underneath me. That quote alone changed the trajectory of my life and career and ever since then I started beating the pavement at the top of the year in 2013. I started compiling poems and short stories that I had written from age 6 to 26 and later published my first poetry book called “My Channeled Energy”. And it became Amazon number one bestseller in two categories. So, for anybody out there who's on the fence about putting themselves out there or sharing their work, I would say really listen to that inner voice and whatever you were called to do. My gift is writing and sharing it in that way. But whatever your gift is, just promise yourself that you won't leave this earth without sharing that gift with the world.


Speaker: Naibe Reynoso  11:57

That's right because it is a gift and sometimes, you know, let's look at it the other way. Like we're being selfish if we don't share that gift because you're right on so many things happen to us, while we're doing life that we become sometimes timid or self-conscious, our self-esteem is beaten down just by life and we feel like who am I to do this or whatever but let's not be selfish. Let us share those gifts that, you know, the greater being, the greater universe, God, whatever you believe in, gave us because I truly believe that I think all of us like, if you look at nature, every single animal has a different gift and talent and that gift and talent is what keeps mother nature going, right. They all have something beautiful to contribute and I think that that's the same way with human beings. We all have something beautiful to contribute different gift, and we just have to put it out there for the universe to enjoy and to see and to grow from.


Speaker: Jennifer Vassel  13:03

I was gonna say just to add to that by you sharing your gift, it also gives other people permission to do that too because they see you with the courage to put yourself out there and that's where I believe that representation matters. Like if you don't see yourself doing the thing, you won't know what's possible for your own life.


Speaker: Naibe Reynoso  13:24

Yeah, I agree with you. 100%. So, if people want to buy your books, if teachers want to buy the teacher’s guide, parents want to buy the parent’s guide or any of your products, where can they find them?


Speaker: Jennifer Vassel  13:38

Yes, they can go to and the books are all available there. You can also go to Amazon. All the books are available on Amazon. Children's books are on  though.


Speaker: Naibe Reynoso  13:52

Perfect! And then you also have a poetry book, correct?


Speaker: Jennifer Vassel  13:5                                                                                                                                              . Yes! And that's available on Amazon, My Channeled Energy,


Speaker: Naibe Reynoso  14:00

My channeled Energy, love it. Well, Jennifer, unless there's anything else you want to add, I really want to thank you for this quick live shot that we're inaudible (14:09)


Speaker: Jennifer Vassel  14:10

Thank you so much Naibe. Someone asked a question. Let me see. (I'm a Spanish teacher. I help students to understand and write in Spanish. I'm also an artist and I would love to illustrate children's books eventually. I would love to write stories and will help more teachers in Spanish Immersion.) Man, that's great. I mean right now I'm learning Spanish because it's a beautiful language first off and being in Southern California, it's definitely a need, you know and an added skill. But that's great that this person is wanting to illustrate and if you guys have any questions feel free to put it in the box.


Speaker: Naibe Reynoso  14:52

Yeah, and speaking of Spanish, all my books are bilingual because I know the need. My son was in Spanish Immersion when he was younger and I see that more Spanish Immersion classes and schools are popping up. Why not? To me the more languages that we embrace and learn it's better because it's kind of like learning a different instrument. It taps different parts of the brain and it, you know, creates even a bigger imagination and a bigger understanding of other cultures. So, I am actually wanting to translate my “How to fold a Taco” book into French and some other languages as well. So, I totally embrace and understand the importance of you know, sharing our books with other cultures and other languages.


Speaker: Jennifer Vassel  15:43



Speaker: Naibe Reynoso  15:52

Okay. Anybody else or?


Speaker: Jennifer Vassel  15:54

See if there's any other questions? (Can you coach me to start my project?) You can send me an email. My contact information is in the link in my bio. So as far as I do offer different services. So, go ahead and check out the link in my bio.


Speaker: Naibe Reynoso  16:27

Okay, unless there's anything else, you know, I think we can say goodbye because I know that you have a busy schedule.


Speaker: Jennifer Vassel  16:37

Yeah. Thank you so much for your time. This was really great. Thanks for the opportunity.


Speaker: Naibe Reynoso 16:42

No thank you, Jennifer. And I hope we continue to connect and the author community is so supportive and amazing.  And, you know, hopefully we'll stay in touch and connect and have another live at some point with our new projects.

Speaker: Jennifer Vassel  16:58

Yes, that will be great.

Okay, thanks, everyone. You too, bye